Kilimanjaro Guides & Porters


Kilimanjaro Local Guide Services is the main issue that will determine the best services on Mount Kilimanjaro. We have the best crew on Kilimanjaro, ensuring the best service on Mount Kilimanjaro. Imagine waking up on a high on Kilimanjaro on the 6th of your Kilimanjaro climb. A friendly man might hand you a cup of coffee, and another might refill your water bottles. Also, after climbing up to 15,300 feet over the course of the day, you find camp and dinner waiting for you. Those friendly faces belong to the Kilimanjaro Porters. Their attentive work keeps you hydrated, fed, sheltered, and safe while climbing Mount Kilimanjaro. Kilimanjaro Porters have a major role in making your climb to Mount Kilimanjaro successful. Together, Kilimanjaro Porters carry equipment, supply Kilimanjaro, and give climbers the support they need to reach the summit. Without them, getting to the top of Africa would be almost impossible.

Kilimanjaro Porters and Guides have a major role to play in making your Kilimanjaro summit successful. Kilimanjaro Porters are the real heroes who would be able to help you get to the summit successfully. The porters carry the gear of climbers and make it easy for them to climb Kilimanjaro. Sometimes the porters work with the Kilimanjaro Rescue Team in case of any mishaps.

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You can expect the following from our Kilimanjaro guides and porters

  • High Safety Standards– Your guide can identify and avoid potential hazards such as slippery trails and loose rocks. Your guide can prevent, recognize and treat altitude-related illnesses.
  • Climb KnowledgeKilimanjaro trails are clearly marked, so following a trail should not pose a problem. But there are more intricate things that your guide will take into consideration when deciding when, where, and how to move the party. These things include weather conditions, trail density, rest stops, pace, etc.
  • Mountain Facts Your guide is knowledgeable about general mountain facts. He can tell you about the vegetation zones, the altitudes of and distances to campsites, and information about the geology, flora and fauna. These types of facts increase the enjoyment during the trek by giving you an idea of what you are seeing and feeling.
  • Our Kilimanjaro guides love working with us because we book small, private parties on the best routes.
  • Our porters take care of you. So we take care of them.

Kiliblue Expeditions employ, empower, and reward local guides and porters Bujo Tours exists to uplift the people that will take you to the top. Tanzania is among the poorest nations in the world with a per capital annual income of only 700 USD. Guides and porters are some of the least paid workers in our society. Many other trekking operators take advantage of this and pay their guides and porters very minimal wages. We however exist to empower each other. Trust that we pay at least twice the average local salary from the fees you pay us without charging you more. Let us take you to the top and at the same time feel great about providing for those in need.


We follow Kilimanjaro Porters Assistance Program (KPAP) recommended guidelines on all aspects of guide and porter payments and welfare. KPAP publish recommended tipping amounts for all operators which we adopt.

Recommending tipping amounts for Climbing Kilimanjaro are the same no matter which route you end up choosing. You should tip;

  • Lead guide: $20/day
  • Assistant guide: $15/day
  • Porters: $8/day (for each porter)
  • Cook: $15/day

These amounts are per group of climbers NOT per climber. You will be advised of the total size of your crew in your final briefing pack.

As a general guide for a climb for two people over 7 days, a normal crew would comprise 1 x lead guide, 1 x assistant guide, 1 x cook and 6 to 7 x porters. If your climb is longer then the number of porters will increase as more food will need to be carried for everyone. Also, if you have booked a private toilet there will an additional toilet porter who carries the equipment and makes sure it’s kept clean.

Tips should be paid to the head guide on the morning of the last day of the climb. The head guide will then distribute tips according to our strict policy.

Kiliblue Expeditions

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